In the Church

My Bibliography
These are the books I have read and studied as I seek to learn and understand this complex topic.
Torn, Rescuing the Gospel from the Gays vs. Christian Debate by Justin Lee
God and the Gay Christian by Matthew Vines
Unclobber, Rethinking our Misuse of the Bible on Homosexuality by Colby Martin
Bible, Gender, Sexuality- Reframing the Church’s Debate on Same-Sex Relationships by James V. Brownson
Mom, I’m Gay by Susan Cottrell
Walking the Bridgeless Canyon by Kathy Baldock
Risking Grace, Loving our Gay Family and Friends like Jesus by Dave Jackson
Scripture, Ethics & the Possibility of Same-Sex Relationships by Karen R. Keen
The Bible and Sexuality by Karen R. Keen
Changing our Mind by David Gushee
Undivided by Vicky Beeching
Outlove, A Queer Christian Survival Story by Julie Rodgers
Homosexianity by Pastor R.D. Weekly
Radically Included by Susan Cottrell
Building a Bridge by James Martin, SJ
Reasonable Doubt A Case for LGBTQ Inclusion by Scott McQueen
Does Jesus Really Love Me by Jeff Chu
Transforming, The Bible and the Lives of Transgender Christians by Austen Hartke
In the Margins, A Transgender Man’s Journey with Scripture by Shannon T.L. Kearns
Affirming by Sally Gary
Included in Christ by Christy Perdue, MD
Heavy Burdens, Seven Ways LGBTQ Christians Experience Harm in the Church by Bridget Eileen Rivera
Us vs. Us by Andrew Marin
Unseen, Intersecting Faith and Sexuality in the Bible Belt by Meredith Jade
Rescuing Jesus by Deborah Jian Lee
Talking Across the Divide by Justin Lee
Refocusing My Family, Coming Out, Being Cast out, and Discovering the True Love of God by Amber Cantorna
Unashamed by Amber Cantorna
True Colors by Susan Cottrell
Stranger at the Gate by Mel White
Ancient Laws and Contemporary Controversies by Cheryl B. Anderson
Embracing the Journey by Greg and Lynn McDonald
Slaves, Women and Homosexuals by William J. Webb
Making Sense of Sex by William Loader
One Coin Found by Emmy Kegler
The Deviant’s War (The Homosexual vs. The United States of America) by Eric Cervini
When Children Come Out, A Guide for Christian Parents by Mark Yarhouse and Olya Zaporozhets
Gender Identity and Faith by Mark A. Yarhouse and Julia Sadusky
Side B or Side X (not affirming)
Washed and Waiting by Wesley Hill
People to Be Loved, Why Homosexuality is Not Just an Issue by Preston Sprinkle
Messy Grace by Caleb Kaltenbach
What does the Bible really teach about Homosexuality by Kevin DeYoung
Gay Girl, Good Girl by Jackie Hill Perry
Single, Gay Christian by Greg Coles